CSI 2*/1*/YH/P Jumping International Courrière 2024

From: 2024-07-10 to :2024-07-14
: A Prix Dapsens-Soyer - 1.10m - CSIP
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎🐎
: B Prix Dapsens-Soyer - 1.20m - CSIP
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎🐎
: 1 Prix AN Breeding - CSIYH1* - 6Y - Two Phases (274.2.5) 1.20m
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎🐎
: 2 Prix Catherine de Buyl - CSIYH1* - 7Y - Two Phases (274.2.5) 1.30m
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎🐎
: a Prix BD horses - 1.10m - CSI1*
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎🐎
: b Prix BD horses - 1.25m - CSI1*
Tabe A against the clock ( 238.2.1 ) 🐎🐎🐎
: 3 Prix AN Breeding - CSIYH1* - 6Y - Table A (238.2.1) 1.20m
Tabe A against the clock ( 238.2.1 ) 🐎🐎🐎
: 4 Prix Catherine de Buyl - CSIYH1* - 7Y -Table A (238.2.1) 1.30m
Tabe A against the clock ( 238.2.1 ) 🐎🐎🐎
: I Prix Confort Willem - 1.30m - CSI2*
Tabe A against the clock ( 238.2.1 ) 🐎🐎
: II Prix Confort Willem - 1.40m - CSI2*
Tabe A against the clock ( 238.2.1 ) 🐎🐎
: c Prix Jumping Access - 1.10m - CSI1*
2 Phases ( 🐎🐎🐎
22:00 Relais Prix Tradeco - Relais Biathlon - Tir
Relais Biathlon - Tir
: III Prix Nybord - 1.35m - CSI2*
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎
: C Prix Dapsens-Soyer - 1.10m - CSIP
2 Phases Special ( 274.2.5) 🐎🐎🐎
: D Prix Dapsens-Soyer - 1.25m - CSIP
2 Rounds ( 273.4.3 ) 🐎🐎🐎
: d Prix Richard - 1.30m - CSI1*
2 Rounds ( 273.4.3 ) 🐎
: IV Prix Confort Willem - 1.45m - CSI2*
2 Rounds ( 273.4.3 ) 🐎
: PrixChampions Prix BPA - Prix du Champion
Prix du Champion
: 5 Prix AN Breeding - CSIYH1* - 6Y - Two Phases ( 1.25m
2 Phases ( 🐎🐎🐎
: 6 Prix Catherine de Buyl - CSIYH1* - 7Y - Two Phases ( 1.35m
2 Phases ( 🐎🐎🐎
: e Prix AS Sport - 1.15m - CSI1*
Tabe A against the clock ( 238.2.1 ) 🐎🐎🐎
: E Prix Dapsens-Soyer - 1.15m - CSIP
2 Phases ( 🐎🐎🐎
: V Prix Nybord - 1.40m - CSI2*
Tabe A against the clock with jump Off ( 238.2.2 ) 🐎
: F Prix Dapsens-Soyer - 1.30m - CSIP
Tabe A against the clock with jump Off ( 238.2.2 ) 🐎
: 6 Bars Prix Tradeco - 6 Bars (262.2, 262.3)
6 Bars (262.2, 262.3)
: VI Prix JumpR - 1.35m - CSI2*
2 Phases ( 🐎🐎
: f Grand Prix Morning Start - CSI1* Grand Prix Table A (238.2.2a-GP) 1.30m
Tabe A against the clock with jump Off ( 238.2.2 ) 🐎
: VII Grand Prix Jumping Access - CSI2* Grand Prix Table A (238.2.2a-GP) 1.45m
Tabe A against the clock with jump Off ( 238.2.2 ) 🐎